Tag Archives: treemaps

Upcoming Presentations

I’ve been a little quiet the last couple of weeks as I’ve been head-down in a number of projects. A couple of those are webex presentations that are coming up on the next two Thursdays:

  • Grand Totals and Subtotals for Think Data Thursday, May 9, 12pm EDT. This will be a review of the material from my posts on Grand Totals, along with a couple of new ways to visualize and visually think about what Tableau is doing as it computes the Grand Totals. Register here. (free) And here’s the link to get the presentation materials: http://community.tableausoftware.com/thread/125847
  • Treemaps and Table Calculations for the Atlanta Tableau User Group, May 16th, 1pm EDT. This is a walkthrough of how version 8 does sorting, how treemaps are laid out, and making use of At the Level and Restarting Every in table calculations in order to do some useful mark labeling. Here’s the webex info:
Meeting Number: 716 384 179
Meeting Password: ATUG13

To join this meeting (Now from mobile devices!)

1. Go to https://nsc.webex.com/nsc/j.php?J=716384179&PW=NYTYyMmI1YTlj
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: ATUG13
4. Click "Join".
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

Audio conference information

Conference line:
Participant code: 0256577#