Category Archives: Tableau v8 – The Kraken

User Defined Functions and Process Control Charts

“Game over, man!”

That quote from Aliens was running through my head after our code control system had crashed without a backup. We were in the final days of testing a major release for one of the world’s largest telecom companies when a subtle defect in a hard drive controller had finally corrupted the disks enough that the contents could not be recovered, and our sysadmin hadn’t been doing regular backups because of competing priorities. I was way in over my head as a fill-in release manager while the usual guy was on vacation. I was convinced we were going to have to tell the customer that we would delay delivery by 2+ months, and along the way blow a big hole in our revenue and future deliverables.

Game over.

Then someone changed my life. One of the project leads, a rugby player and bartender from MIT, sat down with me and said, “There is a way. There’s always a way.” I can still remember two things clearly from that moment: the color of the walls (a beige made darker by the shadows cast by the fluorescent light fixtures) and his eyes. I wouldn’t call what was in them confidence, more a quiet certitude. I thought about that last week when hearing Walter Isaacson describing Steve Jobs saying “Don’t be afraid.” to the Corning CEO.

There’s always a way.

User defined functions have been a feature request for Tableau for a long time now. As much as we can share workbooks, and post function formulas, none of that has really worked as easily as we’d like. Read on to get access to over 50 calculations for computing run and XbarMR (individuals and moving range) charts, and learn how you can build your own shareable & re-usable sets of user defined functions. There’s also a preview of how the upcoming Tableau version 8.1 will enhance this process!

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Creating a Dynamic “Parameter” with a Tableau Data Blend

As of June 2015, Tableau is actively looking at different aspects of the (complicated) subject of dynamic parameters. See Dynamic Parameters: The Results are In for an overview, and Dynamic Parameters Update for continuing updates.

Currently (July 2013), the #1 most-voted-for Idea for Tableau is Dynamic Parameters. Here, I’ll show you a technique for using Tableau data blending to create a dynamic, data-driven “parameter”. We’re going to use a loosely coupled secondary data source to get the information associated with the “parameter” and return that information to the primary data source, where it can be used in further calculations. Some examples of where this can be useful:

  • Choose one value to build a comparison to other values, such as finding the distance from a chosen origin city to a set of destination cities, or a market basket-type analysis where we want to compare one against others.
  • Set the limits and input data to an algorithm that is then used to create other results, for example to get a starting set of data to use to build a projection, such as an executive retirement forecast model.

Read on for a description of the technique and demos of all three options!

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Top 10 Table Calculations – The Next N, Where N >= 15

Last year I did the big workbook on conditional formatting to answer some really common questions on the Tableau Community Forums. One of my projects lately has been to do the same for table calculations, which are incredibly powerful, sometimes incredibly complicated, and I believe underutilized. Tableau put together a set of Top 10 Table Calculations, here’s a list I’ve compiled of the next N most-commonly useful table calculations, based on volume of questions on the forums and relative ease of construction (there’s no densification, domain padding, domain completion, or any of that stuff in this batch):

  1. Filter Without Affecting Results
  2. Filter Top N Without Affecting Results
  3. Filter 1st Time Period from Difference from Prior
  4. Sorting by a Table Calc
  5. Comparing Selected to Group
  6. Aggregating at Different Levels…
  7. …And Returning Fewer Results
  8. Filtering Out Extra Marks by Using a Duplicate on the Filters Shelf
  9. Nesting Table Calculations to Aggregate in Different Directions
  10. Performance – One Computation to Return Same Result to All Rows
  11. How Many of X Did How Much of Y
  12. Title Showing Date Range
  13. Jittering a Scatterplot
  14. Extending an Axis with an Invisible Reference Line
  15. Making a String List

And of course, there’s a workbook with instructions! Click to view and download the next N table calculations workbook on Tableau Public or click the image below:

9. Nesting Table Calculations

I can’t claim to have originated any of these calculations, thanks to Ross Bunker, James Baker, Joe Mako, Andy Cotgreave, Richard Leeke, and others I’m sure I’m forgetting for their work!

If you have any other really common uses for table calculations, leave a comment!

Why is COUNTD(Customer Name) red?

Last week I’d promised to explain why the solution for identifying whether All items in a Tableau Quick Filter were selected wouldn’t work under certain circumstances in Tableau version 8, here it is, and along the way I’ll explain why COUNTD(Customer Name) could be red and the “Cannot blend the secondary data source because one or more fields use an unsupported aggregation.” warning message.

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Identifying (and Using) Quick Filter Selection Status

This post on the Tableau forums led me to figure out a new trick with Quick Filters. The goal is to know whether a Quick Filter has (All) Customers selected or some subset of Customers, then return a different measure based on that flag. Just to make it a little more fun, we want this calculation to work when there are other filters present, or not, to look something like the following view based on the Superstore Sales data:

Screen Shot 2013-05-30 at 11.36.17 PM

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