An update: Looks like this one is a bug… Tableau guru-to-the-gurus Joe Mako noted in the comments below that this behavior doesn’t occur for strings or numbers. I’d thought I’d seen this with other data types, but I was wrong. I’ve submitted this to Tableau tech support and updated the post, I’ll do another update when I hear back from Tableau.
I’ve got at least a couple more posts in the queue about various features of Tableau version 8 blending. Here’s how to run into one undocumented feature:
- Date dimension(s) in the primary and secondary have the same name, or a defined relationship(s) in the Relationships window.
- The date dimension(s) from the primary is/are in the view.
- The data will blend using those date dimension(s), regardless of whether the link icon is on or off.
Click for a demonstration!