Joe Mako’s Order of filtering post:
A long post on global filters, action filters, etc.
Global filter across data sources (parameter with calc field to test the parameter)
Complex sorts in table calcs
use as filter is faster than quick filters
Use as filter can work on any clickable element in the view
- Edit actions to change what they use
- see the TCC11 – JediTricks video for some funky global filtering
(use in nursing dashboard for per-unit stuff?)
Type-in on a quick filter is used as a wildcard, to change this use a type-in parameter and then a calc field with:
[ID] == [ID Parameter]
That will return true for the one row of interest and false for everything else. Just put that on the filter shelf and select just “true” (you’ll need to set the parameter to a value that exists to have the “true” option available).
Can’t drag a filter
If a pill can’t be dragged onto the filter shelf, try converting it into a continuous.
Lookup0 to make filters work locally after all db calculations are done. Handy to filter in %ofTotal calc. #tableaujedi #TCC11
by mohanganeesh at 10/18/11 2:38 PM
Hide happens after the data calculations. Filter happens before. Very handy to use hide in % of total calc. #tableaujedi #TCC11
Here’s a hiding link using the LOOKUP() trick:
File is Hide via Filter on Table
Create a field called Date Filter w/value LOOKUP(ATTR([date]),0). Tableau will treat it as a date for the filter functions, but still have all data available to the calculations.
Hide (filter) rows if first column is empty
Filtering first year out of YoY calculations:
Filtering YoY to same month/day as current date:
Grabbing certain prior dates out of the data with user-selectable “filter”:
one way to filter for data within specific dates:
IF [scanDate] >=[StartDate] AND [scanDate] <= [EndDate] THEN "Keep" ELSE "Remove" END
Restrict filter options in a Quick Filter based on another Filter
Mark Jackson demonstrates a couple of options in
Can use Action Filter
Find first month in a set of data
My response to
which is based on:
workbook is running sum of count distinct.twbx
IF TOTAL(MIN([Month of Install]))=ATTR([Month of Install]) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
Calculation uses TOTAL which doesn’t care about sorting/addressing, so it’s a lot more bulletproof.
Another one for last date:
As an alternative to LAST()==0 from Ross Bunker in
ATTR([Order Date]) == WINDOW_MAX(ATTR([Order Date]))
Hiding certain items/dimensions in a % of total
For hiding certain items/dimensions in a % of total – e.g. PrimeCare/Non-PrimeCare/Null, just show % of total that is PrimeCare
1. Create a calculated field called “Hide [Dimension]” with calc:
results in “find my value” when the [dimension] is in the level of detail 2. Add that calc field to the level of detail 3. Create a Quick Filter on the calc field
from TCC11 – JediTricks video
Using a set:
and attached workbook (upgraded so it will work with current data)
Using a simple IF statement:
A way to “filter” dates by using LOOKUP()
full_running.twbx workbook, simpler solution worksheet
Create a calculated field that is LOOKUP([Date],0) and make it continuous. Put it on the filter shelf for Range of Dates and leave it at that. When the user changes the slider, the range will change.
Hide NULL values
Dashboards and filters
Robert Morton with a bit on when filters might not be able to properly compute the domain:
Data source filters are not applied directly to the data that is extracted, instead are added to each query. Post from Robert Morton:
[loop category=”wikicontent” tag=”filtering,filters,filter”]
[field title] – Added [field date]
Related posts:
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