Getting Good at Tableau – the Screencast

A recurring question in the Tableau community is “How do I learn Tableau?” I’ve tried to answer that question a couple of times now in a presentation that I gave in-person in July 2014 at the Maine Tableau User Group and then a revised audio-only version earlier in November when I was a guest on the Tableau Wannabe Podcast with Matt Francis and Emily Kund

Here’s the full presentation as a screencast:

And the Getting Good at Tableau pdf (45MB).

This is my first screencast, any feedback is much appreciated!

21 thoughts on “Getting Good at Tableau – the Screencast

    1. Jonathan Drummey Post author

      Hi, I just rewatched the video and it plays fine for me (and for others, based on emails I’ve received). I’m guessing that Vimeo was having some problems, try existing & restarting your browser and let me know if that doesn’t work for you.

  1. cdwt

    Awesome video, nice work Jonathan! Thank you for the book mention. I touched on many of these same stepping stones on my ongoing path of learning. Playing and having fun experimenting with different personal projects is a particularly powerful notion to me. This really resonated with me.

  2. Jon Boeckenstedt

    Very nice. We have a few people here at the university who are teetering; they sort of feel stuck in place. I’ll share this with them.

  3. Kelly

    Excellent information – thank-you Jonathan. I finally understand why I failed so miserably, so many times at learning Spanish. I will be sending people to this video often. It’s wonderful to have all the resource options explained in one spot.
    ps. I had no troubles with the vimeo and thought your presentation was very well designed and delivered. Great job dude!

  4. Neeraj Rajpal

    Amazing Video, Jonathan. You have packaged and presented the information beautifully.

    It is a simple and a powerful approach to Get Good at Tableau !

    The best thing about your videos or answers is that you provide the detail with the lowest level of granularity, so ultimately the readers/viewers hardly have further questions.

    1. Jonathan Drummey Post author

      Thank you! And I do try to anticipate questions that people might have, I think that’s key to truly helping and ultimately empowering users with the knowledge they need to do their work.

  5. Pingback: So You Want to be a (Tableau) Zen Master | Drawing with Numbers

  6. Sam Samridh Sharma (@TheSamSharma)

    Thank you for putting together this video Jonathan. I am formally getting started with my preparations for Tableau training and certifications and your video is a perfect orientation in this regard. Your tools, references and approaches are very sound and most importantly, the video has helped me to put everything in perspective. I will definitely share this with peers who are just getting started with Tableau. Much appreciated. 🙂


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