A Tableau Wiki

I began keeping notes in a Word document when I started using Tableau – links to Tableau forum posts, blog posts, some screenshots, etc. Once it got past 30 pages, I started thinking about putting it online. Once it got over 50 pages, it became unmanageable except to fire up Word, press Ctrl+F to search, and look up what I’d entered. I’d shared the doc with a few people and they suggested putting it online, and so that got queued up. I’ve been down with a cold the last couple of days and not able to do anything requiring too much brainpower, so copying and doing some light reformatting was a perfect task… 
Without further ado, I introduce: Jonathan’s Tableau Wiki. It’s my own personal supplement to the Tableau manuals, Knowledge Base, and community forums, and The Information Lab’s Tableau Hub.

You can access the wiki via the menu above, the Search to the right, or the wiki tag cloud to the right. Here are all the sub-wikis at this time:

I’ve been using (and updating) the Word document almost daily for the last year and a half, I expect to continue using and expanding this resource. I’m thinking about ways to add editors/contributors, if you’re interested get in touch!

4 thoughts on “A Tableau Wiki

  1. Joe Mako

    I would just like to say that there are many things that are attributed as quotes from me, and they are inaccurate notes. It is like a game a telephone, I think one thing (maybe wrong), I say it (it changes), it is heard (it changes), remembered or noted (it changes).

    So it is not quotes from me, but notes from after talking with me, and I look forward to the chance to correct them, because it is likely that I misspoke, or did not understand what I do today, or simply translation errors introduced along the way.

    Thank you for putting this together Jonathan, another wonderful resource!

    1. Jonathan Drummey Post author

      Joe, you have an amazing skill at pointing out what my intuition whispers to me. What was in the back of my mind as I was putting this together was “how much should I tell people that this is in-process and not necessarily clean, accurate, or up to date?”

      I totally agree re: the game of telephone, and that there are definitely errors in transcription and my interpretation. I’ll add some warnings to that effect right now, and let’s talk more about corrections.

  2. Mike Nealey

    This is amazing stuff and even better, you’re sharing it. The Tableau community – with particular reference to such people as yourself, Joe and so on – are just fantastic for all the selflessness you display by such sharing.

    1. Jonathan Drummey Post author

      Thanks! The Tableau community is awesome, and I’m very grateful for the example set by those who came before me. “Standing on the shoulders of giants” and all that. 🙂


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